Delivery & Payment
We work exclusively with retailers. If you're a consumer and you're looking for our products you can find them in shops near you. Please contact us for further information.
Our parcels are shipped through DPD courier services. The maximum weight of one parcel is 30kg.
All Prices are listed without VAT.
- Shipping within Austria:
Depending on the weight, costs are up to € 9.90/parcel
Free delivery for orders above a net value of € 550 - Shipping to Germany:
€ 15.00/parcel - Free delivery for orders above a net value of € 900
- Shipping to all other EU countries:
Minimum order value € 250
Delivery ex works / information on transportation costs upon request - For deliveries to Switzerland, a charge of €9 will be made from the 4th customs tariff group onwards
Minimum order volume for first order is € 250. For small consignments below a net value of € 70 a processing fee of € 3,50 will be invoiced additionally. Parcel packaging will not be invoiced and not taken back.
Customers Austria/Germany:
- Direct Debit within 8 days of order (-2% discount)
- Pre-payment (net)
Customers international:
- Pre-payment solely (net)
Please note this information on delivery addresses:
Delivery addresses must be clearly assignable for the parcel service. Unambiguous assignment includes data such as unique company name / name according to the doorbell sign, delivery address according to the street directory, postcode, town and country.
The buyer is responsible for providing the delivery address when ordering. HanSen Ovis GmbH does not check the delivery address without cause. If delivery is not possible due to an ambiguous or incorrect delivery address, the buyer will incur additional costs. These additional costs will be charged to the buyer.